Welcome to The Spotlight Agency

We write texts that are seo-friendly for your website!

Starting entrepreneurs! Keep reading! Seasoned entrepreneurs! Keep reading too!

You never know.

What does that actually mean seo-friendly?

Seo stands for: search engine optimisation. Actually, that's an expensive word for: Google favourites. Tricks and adjustments you need to make to your website to be found by a search engine and rank higher. Why Google? Where do you type in your searches? Right, into Google, as pretty much the rest of the world does. Except for China, they use Baidu. But let's face it, Mandarin is not our strong suit so... .

What does your website need to meet to become a Google favourite?

Here are some free tips, free, pour rien, no dinero, niente, for nothing. Just like that...

- good, smooth text

- keywords or search terms

- fast loading time

- images and videos

- nice user experience

- mobile-friendly

- applied seo

- have a cool owner

All the terms in the list above are explained in other blogs. Handy!

Look, thousands of internet sites are added every day. No kidding, thousands! Right now, but even that is very relative, there are 9 billion websites. Let that sink in for a moment.

So you may be a cool entrepreneur who has a great idea, but you have to stand out among those other 8,999,999,999 websites. Lots of nines. And one eight. The idea is that you will eventually become number one in your niche.
Good luck.

So does that mean it can't be done? Lots of that. Of course it can! We will help you with step 1 of your success.

- writing darn good copy for your website.

- You choose the language!

Want serious language where the business tone prevails? Fine, we'll go for it. Some entrepreneurs like business language more than conversational conversational language. Moreover, some websites need this language. If you have your own business in, say, medical supplies, there is no need for misplaced jokes there.

Neat, businesslike writing language is fortunately still very much appreciated. This kind of language can be written perfectly without cornyness! We are admirers of this language and also of this young man. Of him too.

Are you a fan of more conversational writing. You can do that too. So you can address the reader directly. Hey you. Yes, you there!

You can somewhat use some loose expressions: "That's definitely true!" Or was it definitely and definitely? The eternal language battle between our Northern neighbours and us. But more on that later.

We are also fans of this. Yes, also of our northern neighbours. And of coffee.

Then you have found the right tone you want to use for your website.

What should a good text meet?

  • smoothly written
  • authentically, don't use words you never use otherwise either.
  • No spelling errors, so no dt error either! Fuh! More on this later...
  • don't use old words


But most importantly, the keywords or keywords must be in the right place. This is how Google picks out your site when it scrolls among those billions of websites. Now that is the trick: combining smooth writing with keywords. So that is what we mean by seo-friendly texts. We are simply good at that. Apart from lots of things we are not good at, such as riding motorbikes, wallpapering, cutting grass or drinking bad coffee with not-so-nice people. Although we do like coffee. We do.

So we write seo-friendly texts for your website.

Learned something? Let us know! Comment below this blog.

 Can we have a cosy read with a cup of coffee.