At The Spotlight Agency, we specialise in customised SEO so that your website ranks better in search engines and attracts more visitors.

Would you like to outsource your SEO to an expert who knows the ropes? Or would you rather get started yourself and increase your knowledge with SEO training?

With us, you can get both!

We make sure your SEO is completely on point, whether you choose to outsource or train. SEO is our passion and we are ready to help you grow.

Contact The Spotlight Agency today to find out how we are a crack at our job!

We will put YOU in the spotlight

Outsource SEO

Imagine: your competitors are bringing in customers through Google while your company's website is barely found.

At The Spotlight Agency, we make sure this doesn't happen. We take over your SEO completely so you don't have to worry.

No hassle, no hidden costs, just more visibility and more customers. While you focus on your business, we make sure you score online.

Measurable results
Positive rankings

We breathe SEO and we sink our teeth into your website to Google trump them-with only one goal: to get your website on page 1.

We provide clear and measurable results, without fuss.

With us, you always know where you stand thanks to our transparent approach.

Why tinker yourself when we can take care of it for your business with full gusto? Let us do the tricks of the trade for you! That way, you can do what you do best while we leave the competition far behind!

2 seo subscriptions

SEO for SMEs

  • keyword research
  • strategy
  • 2 content creations per month 
  • possibilities: web texts, blogs, LinkedIn articles
  • 6 contact moments per year
  • discuss seo results
  • minimum annual contract
  • damn good personal service
  • yes, we are reachable and no , we don't like long waits either.

SEO for entrepreneurs

  • keyword research
  • strategy
  • 1 content creation per month
  • possibilities: blogs, articles, web texts
  • 6 contact moments per year
  • discussion seo figures
  • minimum annual contract
  • same personal service 
  • Yes, we are also available to the independent entrepreneur

SEO subscription or SEO learning

SEO training

Our SEO training is the investment for companies looking to boost their online visibility.

For whom.

This programme is ideal for companies with a marketing team or an employee responsible for social media or digital marketing.


We teach them the tricks of the trade so they can get started with SEO themselves and take the business to the next level. 


If you learn it yourself or 1 of the staff learns it, you keep control. Maximum 5 employees at a time in training.

Responding to trends

With the advent of AI, a lot is changing in terms of SEO. Make sure you are aware of the latest trends and adapt your content accordingly!

One-off investment

The training is a one-time investment and a path that we determine together, depending on how many modules are learned. Mail for a quote!

Making the team SEO proficient

After SEO training, you will have all the knowledge you need. We also teach you how to keep that knowledge up to date and where to find Google's latest quirks.

Ranking in Google

Yes, your company too wants to rank high in Google. Ideally, you want your website to be on page 1. You can. We teach you how to get there AND stay there so that the competition stays behind.

More website traffic

More website traffic = more potential customers. It's as simple as that. SEO training is suitable for employees who do the company's digital marketing.


Dive into business modules

On page seo, off page seo, internal links and external link building. You will learn this in combination with text.

You will learn about keywords + research and why they are so important. Short tail and long tail keywords.

What do you need to know about your clients' competitors and then how do you rework keywords.

How often should you implement keywords + where should they be. Keyword density you will also learn.

Keywords, hashtags, what to post, when to post + where to put keywords. 

LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram business pages + profile professional setting + technical tools to automate social media.

What are meta descriptions and why are they so important to get on that page 1 of Google!

What are Alt Tags, why are they important + How to apply them.

How do you write a landing page? What information should go where? Is different text needed for a Sales page? Learn to write and create good Landing Pages and Sales Pages tailored to your business.

How do you do a Website Audit? What software do you need to do it? Also learn how to interpret the information and capture it in a report.

This will help you find out where your company stands in terms of search engines and search results.

Google My Company

Google Search Console

What importance do they have for your business + how do you interpret the information.

For example, how do you write a blog that ranks in Google? What words do you put where and why? How do you write an article for LinkedIn or social media?

How to use LinkedIn for your business. What does your personal page look like and your business one. Get to work on professionalising everything.

ChatGPT, learn to deploy it for much more efficiency in your business. Time saving in other words! What you can learn:

  • content creation
  • social media
  • email marketing
  • blogs
  • brainstorming
  • ….

These companies went before you

Femke Vanhoutte
At your service
Outsource seo or learn SEO?

Who am I?

Femke Vanhoutte, 2 daughters, 2 dogs and 1 husband. Together with Stephanie, I run The Spotlight Agency. We are a damn strong and good team!

More importantly, why outsource your SEO to us or why would you want to learn it with us?

As copywriter and lyricist I have been writing for entrepreneurs and SMEs for many years.  Writing? Check! Because I really wanted to do business online and make my own business visible online, I took a lot of courses and training on SEO. Yes! I like this. Especially if I can pass on that knowledge in a training course for businesses!

Search Engine Optimization Apply in text has so many benefits. Taking SEO training or outsourcing it provides many more benefits. 

  • Online visibility
  • More website traffic
  • Cost savings from not having to advertise
  • Better user experience for the website visitor
  • Competition in the rear-view mirror
  • Measurable & long-term results

Subscription or self-learning?


What are the benefits of outsourcing SEO?

  • Higher online visibility
  • More website traffic
  • Long-term results with our SEO subscriptions
  • You don't have to think about it, we do it for you.
  • Team time savings
  • Years of experience in SEO and content creation


Why take the SEO course?

  • Control your own SEO strategy
  • Building skills within your team.
  •  Knowledge in house
  •  One-off investment
  •  SEO no longer has any secrets
  • Have your own impact on rankings and traffic by tracking and adjusting reports yourself.

Request a quote for seo training and/or consultancy