The Spotlight Academy

Part of The Spotlight Agency


Because so many entrepreneurs are finding their way around creating, devising and distributing all kinds of social media posts AND there is also a huge demand for here is HOW to create them, I set up my own private Facebook group or community.

It is with pride and great pleasure that I present to you: THE SPOTLIGHT ACADEMY





Yes it is free and it stays free!
The Spotlight Academy invites you to join it cosily, where no question is weird and you mainly support each other as female entrepreneurs!
I am Femke Vanhoutte, copywriter, language geek and entrepreneur at heart. My niche consists of writing texts for your website, flyer, white paper, business development, social media posts and much more. All texts or text is written completely seo-proof.

Yes it is free and it stays free!

This means that Google or another search engine can read your text properly by using keywords that I put in the right places in your texts. This way, Google can read your website properly and when someone then types keywords in the search bar to buy something or look for your service, Google will make your website visible!

So does that mean you will end up on page 1 if you put all the keywords neatly in the right place? No, unfortunately. Seo is a long-term job. You have to be patient and willing to invest a lot of time in it. Besides, most spots on page 1 of Google are filled with companies willing to pay a lot of money for them. Sometimes they pay up to 3 euros for a keyword. Just a quick calculation: if 800 people click on that link on that DAY, it will cost you 2400 euros in advertising costs. Yes, let that sink in.

As a copywriter, I don't have such budgets. So I will do everything possible to rank as high as possible in Google.


- Being active on social media.

This seems like an open door kick but if you don't invest time on social media, you won't create trust, nor will you create awareness.

- Get good web copy that is smoothly written. I can write them for you or teach you how to do it yourself!

- your images should also contain keywords. By that, I don't mean in front with a piece of text but you should name your images before you save them. Make sure that name consists of keywords.

- There are so many more tips but I invite you to ask your questions or share your experiences in our group...The Spotlight Academy!