What is the difference between seo and sea?

If you are looking for e.g. red sports trousers, you open your laptop and type in Google: 'red sports trousers' and within a few milliseconds millions of hits come up. You don't know where to start so you click the top link out of sheer convenience. The trick is that you also see matching red trainers and a nice red T-shirt to go with it. Bam! You order them too. Actually, you didn't need all that, but yes, it looks so pretty together. The advertiser who does sea wins. You pay and wait anxiously for your parcel to arrive in the post.
Do you recognise that too? That you immediately click the first link in Google? So almost everyone has that and that is why it is so important to be at the top of search engines. But how do you get to the top of search engines yourself? How do you make sure your company is visible online?
That's where seo comes in. Seo stands for Search Engine Optimization. Seo is making your company visible online in Google or other search engines. You do this by using keywords or search phrases that your customers or potential customers might type into the search engines. So, based on these keywords (and a lot of technical mambo-jambo), Google determines whether your website will appear at the top of the listings or only on page 30. And quite honestly, nobody is going to look on page 30 to find the perfect red sports trousers there. So it is important to get your website as seo-proof as possible by using the right keywords and also incorporating them strategically in your texts.

Seo is not sea, or is it?
Then there is also such a thing as sea. Sea stands for Search Engine Advertising. Sea is actually nothing more than buying advertising space in the search engines. You pay a certain amount for a keyword and link an ad text to it. Google puts you on the first page if you win the auction.
Google Ads, or sea, is an auction. As a company, you bid on a keyword and if you have the highest bid, you come out on top. It is therefore important that you do or have a good keyword research done. Then you can also see, for example, which of your competitors are already doing sea with a certain keyword.
The purpose of sea is to increase the visibility of a website and drive more visitors to it for a fee.
Seo is the organic way to do that, for free. It takes more time, more effort but no money on ads.
Seo and sea, what?
So, in short, seo and sea both say something about your company's online visibility. Except that sea is a paid partnership with Google on a particular keyword.
So being as high as possible in Google is very important for your business and website. Of course, it is possible to get started and do your own keyword research. Writing texts yourself with the right keywords is another matter. It is simply better to hire someone to take a close look at your website and do it for you, i.e. a seo copywriter. After all, this person knows everything about seo and possibly also sea, keywords, long tail keywords and short tail keywords.

Content creation for seo
It is also important to regularly add or change something to your website. Google likes innovation, so once in a while it will start ranking and reordering everything. If you were number 1 this month, you could be number four again next month. Attention, everything you add, adapt or change on your website should be seo-proof. So use the right keywords. Then website visitors will find you much faster!
Seo and sea both focus on keywords and search phrases. Seo and sea are both effective ways to increase your company's visibility and thus get more visitors to your website.
That's why we are happy to put you In The spotlight!
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