The Spotlight Agency
Seo training for companies and SMEs is training that teaches employees how to apply seo themselves to the company's website and created content.
Do you employ staff?
Would you like to be more visible in Google? Higher rankings so?
Do you outsource seo and social media?
Then I am curious about that bill at the end of the month.
Imagine that:
- Your time can win
- Cost can save
Outsource? Why?
No more expensive seo agencies doing all kinds of mumbo jumbo for your business where you don't even know what they actually do. The invoice comes at the end of the month but what did that agency actually do for your business?
Get one or more employees to take seo training for businesses.
They will learn to apply everything themselves! After all, it's not rocket science.
With my background as a teacher, I can explain everything in understandable language. I come to your company to teach your employees all about how to use seo for business and how to create new content so that your website ranks higher in Google. So our seo training will only benefit you.
We got your back!
You wonder:

So much can be done online, what is the best seo training for my business?

My employee can already write quite a word but how do I optimise it?

How can I combine visibility with growth?

How can I make full use of my USPs?

There are already so many courses and training.

Where can I find complete seo training tailored to my business?
Seo training & ChatGPT companies
- You want to save costs and time.
- Teaching your employees seo & copy
- cost-saving
- One-off investment
- The training is informative and fun
Consultancy about ChatGPT, seo and copywriting are also possible.

Highly recommended if you...
- Making your business visible online.
- want your content to rank in Google.
- automate social media.
- want to save time and costs.
- want to write copy that ranks.
Dive into the modules for seo training for businesses
On page seo, off page seo, internal links and external link building. You will learn this in combination with text.
You will learn about keywords + research and why they are so important. Short tail and long tail keywords.
What do you need to know about your clients' competitors and then how do you rework keywords.
How often should you implement keywords + where should they be. Keyword density you will also learn.
Keywords, hashtags, what to post, when to post + where to put keywords.
LinkedIn, Facebook and Instagram business pages + profile professional setting + technical tools to automate social media.
What are meta descriptions and why are they so important to get on that page 1 of Google!
What are Alt Tags, why are they important + How to apply them.
How do you write a landing page? What information should go where? Is different text needed for a Sales page? Learn to write and create good Landing Pages and Sales Pages tailored to your business.
How do you do a Website Audit? What software do you need to do it? Also learn how to interpret the information and capture it in a report.
This will help you find out where your company stands in terms of search engines and search results.
Google My Company
Google Search Console
What importance do they have for your business + how do you interpret the information.
For example, how do you write a blog that ranks in Google? What words do you put where and why? How do you write an article for LinkedIn or social media?
How to use LinkedIn for your business. What does your personal page look like and your business one. Get to work on professionalising everything.
ChatGPT, learn to deploy it for much more efficiency in your business. Time saving in other words! What you can learn:
- content creation
- social media
- email marketing
- blogs
- brainstorming
- ….
Femke Vanhoutte at your service
seo training for businesses
Who am I? More importantly, why take my course?
For years, I taught Dutch and English to cool adolescents. They were really fun years and it still happens sporadically that I am asked to teach for a few weeks. I enjoy teaching courses because that's where I get satisfaction.
As copywriter and lyricist I have been writing for entrepreneurs and SMEs for some time. Writing? Check! Because I really wanted to do business online and make my own company visible online, I took a lot of courses and training on seo. Yes! I like this. Especially if I pass on that knowledge in a seo training course for businesses!
Search Engine Optimization Apply in text has so many benefits. Taking a seo course provides many more benefits. It became something of a challenge to combine the soft side of storytelling with the cold side of seo. I think I managed to combine both. That's why I provide these seo training courses for companies and why it allows me to share my expertise!
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